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A 汇流箱 is a crucial component in a solar power system designed to help streamline the connection of photovoltaic modules. It is simply a box that combines the output of several solar strings into a single cable that connects to the inverter.

汇流箱充当从多串太阳能电池板收集直流 (DC) 电力的中心点,并允许电流流向单个位置。汇流箱通常有多个组串输入,其数量根据太阳能发电厂的规模而变化。该盒子还包含每个串的保险丝或断路器,以保护太阳能模块免受过压和过流的影响。

The combiner box minimizes the wiring complexity in a solar installation by reducing the number of homerun cables that have to be routed to the inverter. The homerun cables that run from the combiner box to the inverter carry DC power and are larger and more expensive than the wires that connect the individual solar panels to the combiner box.



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